Video Email Drives Tune In For TV Shows
Video Email delivers results for marketers of TV Shows
Video ❤️ Email
Easily add video to your email marketing campaigns.
High quality video that plays automatically on 99% of inboxes.
Patented Video Email technology works with any email platform.
Increase Video Views
Video is the most engaging content. Email is the most trusted channel.
Start sending your best content to your best audience.
Maximize the reach and ROI of your video marketing.
Optimize Engagement
Video stimulates interest and desire more than any other content type.
Video email viewers are better qualified to drive post-click activity.
Get more clicks. Sell more stuff.
TV Networks already invest significant time and effort to produce video trailers for use on social media and broadcast television.
With video email, it’s possible to increase the reach and ROI of those video trailers, by making them playable within email marketing campaigns, and to drive increased engagement and tune-in.
Use Cases
Video email works for all types of TV Shows, including comedy, drama, entertainment, lifestyle, news, sports, children’s, and unscripted.
Engagement and tune-in
Email apps are among the few apps on which people leave the mobile notifications active, and email is often the best way to push a timely reminder of an upcoming TV Show.
Playing video trailers within the email inbox is an effective way to deliver timely and engaging marketing, and drive increased tune-in.
Playable customers have measured increases of up to 10x more clicks when using video email compared to using static images in email to promote an upcoming TV Show.
Moreover, the significant impact of video email is often measured in post-click activity, and video email has been measured to increase post-click watch duration by up to 8x, compared to static images.
Recipients who have seen a video in your email are much better qualified by the time they click-through or tune in, because the video has informed and engaged far better than any static image can.
Promote WATCH NOW With Video Trailers
For generations, video trailers are core in TV & Movie marketing. So it's no surprise HD Video Email Trailers are so successful with audiences!
All Email Platforms, All Videos, All Email Clients
Video Email That Works With Your Existing Email Platform
Playable is integrated with Mailchimp, Salesforce and every ESP in between.
Simply copy & paste your video into your email template.
No IT integration required!
Add Video From Any Source To Your Email Marketing
Use videos from YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Brightcove, or 100's of others.
Or upload any video file.
No video production or editing required!
Videos Play In Highest Possible Quality On All Email Clients
Videos are playable on Apple Mail, Gmail, Outlook, and all others!
Video is optimized for each viewer - based on device and email client - at the moment of open, to ensure the best viewing experience.
Case Studies & Sample Video Email Campaigns For TV Shows
Reconnect The Fans With A Video Trailer
VOD Winback the existing fans and a new audience with great video email teasers of an old favorite's new original release